Construction of Hostels

Construction of Hostels

15% Donated of $560,000
No Days left to achieve target


The More Than Me Academy is on a mission to ensure that education and opportunity, not exploitation and poverty, define the lives of the most vulnerable girls from the West Point slum of Liberia. When girls graduate, they should be able to decide what comes next. A boarding school is More Than Me` s ultimate vision for the girls because a boarding school eliminates the time spent at risk in the West Point community. To that end, More Than Me was founded with the hope of getting the girls off the streets and into school. Getting girls off the street is important because, according to GirlUp, more than 40% of Liberian girls ages 10—14 have never gone to school.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ullamcorper sapien vitae tincidunt mollis. Vestibulum a nibh cursus lectus posuere pharetra. Suspendisse consequat facilisis leo a tempus. Praesent ultricies nibh augue, ac imperdiet dolor pellentesque sit amet. Donec quis urna nibh. Nunc pretium egestas purus ac dictum. Donec sit amet viverra nulla, sed mattis elit. Praesent bibendum nisl vel eros aliquam auctor.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ullamcorper sapien vitae tincidunt mollis. Vestibulum a nibh cursus lectus posuere pharetra. Suspendisse consequat facilisis leo a tempus. Praesent ultricies nibh augue, ac imperdiet dolor pellentesque sit amet. Donec quis urna nibh. Nunc pretium egestas purus ac dictum. Donec sit amet viverra nulla, sed mattis elit. Praesent bibendum nisl vel eros aliquam auctor.

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